I Will Love you Forever

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 9: Perspective

Wow, looking over the past couple of weeks at statuses on Facebook, blogs, and just general conversations with people I have realized that a lot of bad stuff has happened to people around me. I have then taken that and personalized it. So although the bad stuff didn't exactly happen to me I let it kill my joy.

So here it is, the way you look at things (a.k.a. Perspective!) in life is everything. You can look at life everyday as something bad is going to happen or you can look at it like something good is going to happen. If a negative thing happens it is only to help you in the long run. I have been trying very hard to find the joyful things in life and focus on the positive. Yes, everyone has bad days but, it is what you do with those bad days that matters.

Realizing that you have to make a concious choice everyday to see the good in people, keep the faith, and be joyful is the first step. It doesn't just come naturally. Everyone has something good in them. Even if you have to look really hard.

So, here is my choice from now on.. JOY!

Stay tuned as the days grow longer and my heart grows stronger.

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